시간 및 장소 언급 변경하기

직접 화법에서 간접 화법으로 전환시 시간과 장소는 대게 변경되어야 합니다.

당신의 지식을 테스트
직접 화법 문구 간접 화법 상응 문구
today that day
"I saw him today", she said. She said that she had seen him that day.
yesterday the day before
"I saw him yesterday", she said. She said that she had seen him the day before.
The day before yesterday two days before
"I met her the day before yesterday", he said. He said that he had met her two days before.
Tomorrow the next/following day
"I'll see you tomorrow", he said He said that he would see me the next day.
The day after tomorrow in two days time/ two days later
"We'll come the day after tomorrow", they said. They said that they would come in two days time/ two days later.
Next week/month/year the following week/month/year
"I have an appointment next week", she said. She said that she had an appointment the following week.
Last week/month/year the previous/week/month/year
"I was on holiday last week", he told us. He told us that he had been on holiday the previous week.
ago before
"I saw her a week ago," he said. He said he had seen her a week before.
this (시간에 대한) that
"I'm getting a new car this week", she said. She said she was getting a new car that week.
this/that (형용사) the
"Do you like this shirt?" he asked He asked if I liked the shirt.
here there
He said, "I live here". He told me he lived there.

일반적으로, 인칭 대명사는 화자가 자기 자신의 말을 인용하는 경우를 제외하고는 3인칭 단수 또는 복수로 변합니다:
I/me/my/mine, you/your/yours = him/his/her/hers
we/us/our/ours, you/your/yours = they/their/theirs

He said: "I like your new car." = He told her that he liked her new car.
I said: "I'm going to my friend's house." = I said that I was going to my friend's house.

당신의 지식을 테스트